About CopyMedia

CopyMedia is a german company primarly focused on Entertainment, Finance and IT that produces, distrubutes captivating content. CopyMedia is owned by Copy05 the Owner of Entertainmasters & CopyWealth

What do we do:

We produce and distrubute content that connects the audiences around the world. Working Closely with CopyWealth, we also help creators for they entertainment career to become successful.

What Values us:

Movie Production

With over 7 years movie productions & media experience. it is our main expertises to produce content. We originally started as "Copy Productions" and we're working with our partners constantly on projects together

Financial Managment

With 2023 that began the inflation. We started to focus more and more on Financial and Investment Topics to teach people about the right way of Investing and Earning Money while combating the Inflation

Digital Service

The world becomes more digitally and more people are connected digitally. We offer our Partners our Digital Services like Web Development, Cybersecurity Scanning and Media Solutions

Board of Managment:



Founder & CEO of CopyMedia Entertainment.